I made a gift link article for a friend to prove NY Times columnist Maureen Dowd ate an entire chocolate bar of chocolates she got where the instructions clearly to eat one chomp or whatever small pieces of chocolate are called.
I thought I’d share it here since The NY Times gives 30 days to gift links. Please enjoy Maureen Dowd’s story of eating a whole chocolate bar: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/04/opinion/dowd-dont-harsh-our-mellow-dude.html?unlocked_article_code=1.304.f3-4.53knmon_lsFq
Dowd is right. There should be some kind of standard so you understand dosage. When I try an edible, I eat a tiny amount and wait an hour. This isn’t because I’m smart, it’s because I’ve had bad experiences with potent stuff.
I know how many beers or shots I can get away with. With edibles, it’s a gamble every time.
She’s either an idiot or did this intentionally, and I don’t think she’s an idiot. Plus, all the edibles I’ve bought have had dosage recommendations on the packaging (although, to be fair, I’ve only bought edibles in recent years. I don’t know what the labeling was like in 2014).
Further, any half-decent dispensary will be staffed by people eager to help and give newbies some valuable advice. I suspect that Dowd didn’t even try to ask for help, and may even have posed as an experienced user.
How many kids have given themselves alcohol poisoning their first few times drinking because they didn’t understand the proper dosage? Thats a much more serious and significant problem, but nobodys suggesting alcohol should only be available in individual serving airline bottles.
“I drank an entire fifth of vodka because I am a fucking idiot.”
Right but I can walk into a liquor store and buy enough booze to kill Ernest Hemingway and Hunter S. Thompson but there should be restrictions on edibles because some people can’t handle them?
I remember this article. Can’t believe it’s over 10 years ago