While it’s the opposite situations in hospitals.
Torn uterus as a labour complication? Have some ibuprofen! Oh your husband has a stiff neck? He gets a prescription drug to handle the unimaginable pain.
Why use lidocaine on women during catherization? Surely the length of the urethra is more important than the diameter!
A study found out that women were more likely to die than men in surgery, when operated on by a male surgeon. Female surgeons are a safer bet. Turns out you shouldn’t go into surgery when you are sick. And women weren’t taken seriously by male surgeons as much when mentioning not feeling too well.
Got me thinking again about how many people in medicine assume you’re lying all the time, is this projection? Are doctors constantly lying so they assume everyone else is? Why is it so hard to just believe people, jfc…
I’m so goddamn sick of having to fight a system that’s meant to support me…
Why is it so hard to just believe people, jfc…
I’m not a doctor, I fix computer issues. But the people having the issues do lie all the fucking time, because they want to shift blame, get faster service, or simply hide the mistakes they made.
I could imagine it’s similarly frustrating for doctors.
Studies have found that Black people are prescribed less pain medication by medical staff than white patients too. So your best bet if you get sick is to try your hardest to be a white man, otherwise you might be fucked.
Not that long ago, a shocking number of MED STUDENTS (close to 50%. No joke.) thought that people with black skin had fewer nerve endings/felt less pain.
It also use to be taught in med school that new born babies couldn’t feel pain.
In a survey of newborn babies, when asked if they had felt pain during abdominal surgery, almost 100% declined to comment.
There is a distinct lack of empathy in medicine, at least partly due to for-profit hospitals running their staff ragged to save money.
There’s also the fact that all research and treatment is based around white male patients.
This isn’t about empathy or just male testing. It’s lacking better judgement. Female surgeons don’t seem to have the problem of “higher death rate of patients of one gender.”
The painmedication discrimination isn’t just about “only male testing.” I mean you give morphine to people who flew through their windshield right? It’s not like they tested it on rats they flung at a wall first. Second, the lidocaine situation is just an example of ignoring patient’s pleas with no reason. The stuff is commonly used on female patients in other procedures. So why stop at that one specific procedure?