Sasha [They/Them]

Yes, that Sasha 🍉

Transfemby 🏳️‍⚧️⬛🟪⬜🟨🏳️‍⚧️

Anarchist/your local idiot with a guitar

If you’re an Aussie

If you eat food

And if you live on Earth

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023


  • The phrase “we aren’t free until we’re all free” applies to animals as much as humans, and thinking otherwise is straight up bigotry. That so few extend leftist thought to the rest of the living world is a travesty, if you’ve managed to come around to leftist thinking then you’ve absolutely been capable of challenging your pre-conceived biases and this is just another step in that process.

    All that said, I’m not one to judge people for not agreeing with this. It took me an exceptionally long time and the right circumstances to finally reassess my reasoning and to realise it was absurdly flawed, hypocritical and informed by propaganda.

  • I briefly worked in this area of physics, it’s complicated and depends on your definition of a particle and which quantum gravity model you’re talking about.

    To simplify things you can just ask the same thing about non-quantum gravity. Why does gravity escape the black hole? The painfully mundane answer is that the black hole is gravity, it’s not escaping itself. Gravitational waves can’t be emitted from inside the black hole but that’s because those are a form of radiation and not the structure of spacetime.

    This is specifically important because even quantum gravity (the kind with gravitons) still has this distinction. Particles belong to a field and are excitations of it, the gravitational field itself is not made of those particles. The force associated with that field is mediated by gravitons, but what that really means is complicated and honestly possibly just the result of a cool mathematical trick. It also comes with a bunch of crazy behaviour where you have particles that can break the laws of physics by just kinda doing it so quickly that nature blinks and misses it.

    The point is, the quantum gravitational field is enough for the black hole to do its job when objects come by, gravitons don’t actually need to escape, though they are involved in complicated ways.