As far as whatever situation you’re on about, quite literally who cares.
Yep, that’s about the response I expected for a trans user being bullied off a platform. I love that you, by your own admission, don’t know the details, and yet you still jump to ‘quite literally who cares’.
Not you, apparently. You don’t care if they were a fascist or a transphobe. You know a trans person was bullied off the platform - and you decided, on that basis alone - ‘who cares?’
Because you yourself, someone banned for transphobia, are telling the story. It also doesn’t matter if they are trans. You’re using their identity as a weapon.
These two things lead me to trust the actual trans person that did the banning over you, a transphobic user.
Attacking the validity of someone’s gender identity is still transphobic no matter if it’s a troll or not. There is no good that can come from it and all arguments you will use have already been used verbatim against identities that are more common.
Attacking the validity of someone’s gender identity is still transphobic no matter if it’s a troll or not.
That is just completely fucking asinine.
A troll using outrageous gender pronouns as a shield is absolutely something that should be called out, especially by a trans community, since their whole agenda is literally to make y’all look stupid by association and when you attempt to defend them.
And it fucking worked.
For the record, I really don’t care what anyone wants to be called. Someone genuinely wants to be a dragonfucker, fine. No skin off my sack. I am a therian myself. But weaponizing it by going of your way to antagonize people and then hide behind it is absolute fucking idiotic behavior. And defending it is idiotic, too.
And attacking their gender identity gives people the right to attack yours, as well as whatever else that is not mainstream about you.
That’s the entire argument. Let the trolls be handled by mods, not randos in a community that more likely than not will find therian identities just as ridiculous as dragon based genders.
It’s about not tolerating a behavior at all, no matter what, since it doesn’t have a place.
To put it another way, in a space of inclusion you cant target white people for their race, otherwise you’re just racist towards whites. (Yes I’m aware some spaces don’t recognize reverse racism, and I’m aware of the incredibly stupid arguments racists come up with to justify that). In a space of inclusion you cant target straights for being straight, otherwise you’re no better than antigay bigots.
In a space of inclusion you cant target a gender identity you don’t like because it might be a troll, because then you’re exactly as transphobic as the people calling your gender identity fake. You’re performing the same actions for the same reason, just with the belief that person isnt as serious about their identity as you are.
Yep, that’s about the response I expected for a trans user being bullied off a platform. I love that you, by your own admission, don’t know the details, and yet you still jump to ‘quite literally who cares’.
Not you, apparently. You don’t care if they were a fascist or a transphobe. You know a trans person was bullied off the platform - and you decided, on that basis alone - ‘who cares?’
Because you yourself, someone banned for transphobia, are telling the story. It also doesn’t matter if they are trans. You’re using their identity as a weapon.
These two things lead me to trust the actual trans person that did the banning over you, a transphobic user.
Just because the reason given for the ban calls them a transphobe, doesn’t make it true. Where are his transphobic statements?
Attacking the validity of someone’s gender identity is still transphobic no matter if it’s a troll or not. There is no good that can come from it and all arguments you will use have already been used verbatim against identities that are more common.
That is just completely fucking asinine.
A troll using outrageous gender pronouns as a shield is absolutely something that should be called out, especially by a trans community, since their whole agenda is literally to make y’all look stupid by association and when you attempt to defend them.
And it fucking worked.
For the record, I really don’t care what anyone wants to be called. Someone genuinely wants to be a dragonfucker, fine. No skin off my sack. I am a therian myself. But weaponizing it by going of your way to antagonize people and then hide behind it is absolute fucking idiotic behavior. And defending it is idiotic, too.
And attacking their gender identity gives people the right to attack yours, as well as whatever else that is not mainstream about you.
That’s the entire argument. Let the trolls be handled by mods, not randos in a community that more likely than not will find therian identities just as ridiculous as dragon based genders.
It’s about not tolerating a behavior at all, no matter what, since it doesn’t have a place.
To put it another way, in a space of inclusion you cant target white people for their race, otherwise you’re just racist towards whites. (Yes I’m aware some spaces don’t recognize reverse racism, and I’m aware of the incredibly stupid arguments racists come up with to justify that). In a space of inclusion you cant target straights for being straight, otherwise you’re no better than antigay bigots.
In a space of inclusion you cant target a gender identity you don’t like because it might be a troll, because then you’re exactly as transphobic as the people calling your gender identity fake. You’re performing the same actions for the same reason, just with the belief that person isnt as serious about their identity as you are.