As it feels increasingly important to keep up to date on the news be it globally or back home, I thought I would throw out this question as I am quite ignorant when it comes to staying up to date.
The last time I read a paper was The Private Eye in early Jan and before that, I must say I never really tried to find a way to consume the news. So let me hear your preferred method.
Several news apps (guardian, BBC, ground news mostly) on my phone with notifications enabled (but set to “silent”, so I only see them if I open my notification drawer)
Lemmy is a pretty big contributor these days too
YouTube seems to recommend news and news adjacent videos to me pretty regularly too, I go for that every now and again, particularly James O’Brien stuff on LBC is generally pretty illuminating for getting a feel of how any given story is being received by the general public.
For me it’s primarily BBC news both on TV and their web site. Some news also comes to me via Lemmy. Lately I’ve been wondering whether The Guardian subscription would be worth the money.
Due to the nature of my work, I can easily listen to podcasts for about 4 hours a day. I have disregarded Papercuts. Sells itself as a read of the daily papers but there’s too much loose women style gossip and coronation street soap type garbage.
I still have: The BBC daily Newscast, The Newsagents, Page 94 the private eye podcast, the skeptics guide to the universe (if that counts). Open to any other suggestions.
Podcasts would be a good form for myself too really. 'spose I shall give those ones a try!
It’s a mix:
- Google newsfeed - yes I know but I have it well-trained.
- Listening to Radio 4 in the background
- Various RSS newsfeeds
- Ground News
Ground News is new to me, interesting site that one.
I find it very handy for highlighting the key stories of the day, including UK ones (breaking through the general bias to US news). So you aren’t having to trawl through lots of articles.
It replaced… I’m thinking Asterisk (but it has been scrubbed from my phone) which was very good but didn’t last long.