As it feels increasingly important to keep up to date on the news be it globally or back home, I thought I would throw out this question as I am quite ignorant when it comes to staying up to date.
The last time I read a paper was The Private Eye in early Jan and before that, I must say I never really tried to find a way to consume the news. So let me hear your preferred method.
Due to the nature of my work, I can easily listen to podcasts for about 4 hours a day. I have disregarded Papercuts. Sells itself as a read of the daily papers but there’s too much loose women style gossip and coronation street soap type garbage.
I still have: The BBC daily Newscast, The Newsagents, Page 94 the private eye podcast, the skeptics guide to the universe (if that counts). Open to any other suggestions.
Podcasts would be a good form for myself too really. 'spose I shall give those ones a try!