This is peak US politics. No wonder y’all seem to be so fucked…
Having said that, best of luck with the community.
And they think they’re the untouchable good guys.
Just out of curiosity, who do you think “they” are?
You’re playing with fire, this is how thedonald started. It was all a joke until it wasn’t. Then it became a cesspit.
It’s also how flat earthers started. 4chan started satirically memeing about flat earth. Then idiots saw it, missed the satire, and picked it up as a serious thing. At that point, 4chan went “this is funnier than any satire we could make” and stood back to watch the crazies launch rockets into the upper atmosphere.
I think that 4chan started a lot of this apocalypse that way.
4chan was sold in 2015 and that’s when it took a hard right turn.
Flat earthers have been around (heh) for centuries. It’s mostly a religious thing in order to rebuke science in order to keep people stupid. There’s a passage in the bible that refrences the four corners of the earth that gets refrenced by these people as proof. It’s a way to keep people in their cult, because the outsiders are the ones who are tricked into beleiving in round earth ftom scientists.
I would say that it really became a thing in its current form in the 1800s. Lots of the weird Biblical “literalism” (and I think things like Salafism/Wahhabism) come from the combination of widespread literacy and direct access to the texts + those ideologies that deny that you need anything outside the text to interpret them yourself/solo scriptura.
You can try to calculate the size of the earth yourself the same way Ancient Greeks did.
What we’re seeing now is related to shitposting being taken seriously for sure (the “birds aren’t real” thing has also been making a slow shift from stupid joke to conspiracy therapy, I think that’s how “Helen Keller” don’t real started)
I trace it back a bit further than 4chan though. You start to see it all the way back in the 90s on Usenet, pretty sure that’s around when the Flat Earth Society Forums - which were clearly mostly Poes - started too.
I’m more of a dinosaur earth guy myself
Yea, but I’m a mod Who’s Built Different™️
oof ouch my hubris
[email protected] because there is no clickable link here.
On some level I’d like there to be an actual conservative sub since I like to check in on the Reddit alternative’s goings on and what their takes on this or that is. But I can understand why some wouldn’t want to share a platform with those people. Some of the stuff is pretty bad
On one hand it’d be nice to be able to have some discussion about what sort of government involvement is needed in society. But at least in terms of the US, until the overton window puts some healthy distance between it and fascism, there’s zero point in talking to cons online. They’re literally unwilling to accept reality or basic facts-- what’s the point?
I don’t really engage often with them, I’m just interested in hearing how they view stuff, how it differs from me, how they reconcile this and that and so on.
LMAO, you should post that image on the new [email protected]
It’s an old meme-- have at it :)
Well the biggest problem is that the fuck does conservatism want to conserve?
Selling off parks, betraying labor, violating people’s right to self determination…
If you mean Republicans, those are open fascists.
The ones doing any amount of conservation are Democrats, but eventually one realizes nimby liberalism is just the slower road to fascism as it always bends the knee to corporate interests. We wouldn’t be here if this wasn’t true.
The “responsible adults” in the room are either spineless cowards, incompetent dupes, or malicious insider trading bad actors themselves.
Between the Business Plot and the lack of any action against cellar boxing American corporations into bankruptcy and predatory economic bubbles it becomes ever clearer the goal of the entire system is to fleece the poor masses to make the rich minority ever richer.
There’s like 2 others, and a whole instance. .ee and SJW each have a comm and hilariouschaos is the new “friendlier” ExplodingHeads instance lol
Come on come all its time for cm002 to post the exact same shit that’s already all over Lemmy but now in another place!
Y’all already have the entire goddamn website dedicated to shitting on conservatives 24/7. Making yet another place to do it is just repetitive and unnecessary.
I don’t care for most conservative bullshit either, but at least it was nice seeing the random post that wasn’t exactly the same as every other goddamn sub on this site.
You’ll just have to get your two minutes hate somewhere else, it’s not a big deal.
Oh looks it’s Mr I can’t identify a conservative if my life depended on it pancake man.
You still bouncing around and being wrong about people today?
Lol. Holly shit, talk about bouncing around being wrong about people. “Mr. Pancake man” is most definitely a woman. Like … nevermind.
Yeah unlike you weirdos I don’t stalk every single profile I talk to so I can go into every conversation knowing dirt about them.
Edit: typo
Ain’t no dirt involved here. That’s a weird take, tbh. And telling. Naw, it’s just really really funny that you did the thing you accused others of so blatantly and immediately. That’s all.
Yeah except I never claimed to know anything about them aside from a user name. they claimed incorrect things about me in another thread awhile back then dipped from the thread.
It was a 50/50 on the gender and statically my odds were better assuming it was a guy. Oh well.
Seems like they made the better bet given the odds, but oh well indeed. Still pretty funny.
Dude just block it if you don’t want any exposure. Curate your own Lemmy.
How am I supposed to curate my own Lemmy when conservative subs are turned into crappy meme factory’s poking fun at the conservatives which is already what all of the other subs fucking do.
This is like building a Starbucks across the street from another Starbucks and then telling me to find coffee somewhere else when all the fucking coffee places in a 10 mile radius have already been bought out and converted to yet another goddamn Starbucks.
Are we supposed to feel bad for fascist apologists? Republicans have always been unrepentant bastards or gullible fucking morons. Usually both because they’re objectively impaired for both empathy and intelligence.
But not just conservatives, all Americans are dumber:
Decades of obvious racism:
If they are so unfathomably stupid then how do you alleged geniuses keep losing elections to those morons?
Do you think it might have something to do with how unbelievably smug and elitist some of you guys come across?
I’m not even disagreeing with your specific points as I think they are generally correct, but you have to realize that pointing at a group of people and basically calling them too stupid to know any better is never going to get them to change or side with you. All it will do is make them hate you.
Several points.
One, look over my post history and you’ll see I’m not a fan of the Democrats because they’re marginally less bad conservatives.
Two, like I give a fuck if reality hurts their feelings, but I’m not being elitist favoring my side. Anyone falling for the false dichotomy doesn’t understand reality to the point they could form opinions that matter. Like anyone that favors term limits is automatically a gullible rube that hasn’t looked into it at all. The majority of people rely on received opinions and specious reasoning for almost everything because actual consistent coherent thought is a learned still.
Three, I’m being objective and not judgemental, hence the links. There’s hard data everyone is just fucking dumber largely due to Republican efforts to sabotage education being met half way by Democrats.
And four, look at the link about gerrymandering. They spent decades literally cheating. Capping the house at 435 in 191X also massively empowered conservatives. Then you have to look into the end of times accelerationists and evangelical dominionists… Lots of cheating, sabotaging education, and obvious racism in law enforcement ignored.
Five, the term right wing comes from the French parliament that wanted to keep the monarchy in power. The founding fathers were college educated aristocracy that wouldn’t have wanted white trash voting or owning guns (federalist paper… 27… Or 29?) and yet conservatives worship them.
The entire ecosystem is full of gullible assholes in authoritarian power structures where independent thought is punished.
They’ve always been garbage people.
Only the best memes of conservatives, made in the most conservative region of the conservatorium.
If it’s not made in the conservative region, it’s just sparkling fascism.
how did you managed that?
Blackmail and bribery lmao jk, I just made a request on the support comm with a proposed set of rules, a week later and the rest is history lol
blackmail and bribery
A true conservative
I don’t trust this.
It appears legit anyway. Haven’t seen any posts in that !c from the usual trolls, it’s only funny people now