We were taught BEDMAS: Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.
I’m just your average Canadian wolf. I’m a siren enthusiast and railfan as my main hobbies. I run the Civil Defense Sirens Wiki, and am working on restoring a few vintage sirens (such as a FS&S Model L and a rare Sterling Siren MOD. F) as well as a 1970s Safetran mechanical crossing bell.
We were taught BEDMAS: Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.
My dad used to be on 4Chan all the time in the 2000s, he told me being called a fag was considered a form of endearment, not an insult. I’ve never heard newfag or oldfag be used by the far right, they typically go for actual insults instead.
I do knot see any problem with this whatsoever!
He wanted to!
All that money won’t mean shit if the economy collapses. Musk is such a goddamn clown.
They’d like that. An acid bath would be more fitting.
Paradox of tolerance. You wanna be a hateful bigoted asshole, don’t be surprised when everyone shows you the door.
Better woke than a fucking conservative chud.
Trump and Vance lack any balls at all, so of course they don’t recognize someone who does.
Don’t feed the trolls. That’s a 9 hour old account impersonating someone else.