Droid-ify and Neo-Store are alternative clients for the F-Droid repository (and other repos), that you may like better than the official client. But yeah, Obtainium is indeed simple and it’s powerful if you already know exactly which app you want to install (rather than searching for relevant options in some repositories).
Oh, which one are you referring to here – of all those different 750 g supposedly exotic fruitberry-flavoured water beverages, all with 0 kcal? One of those with a dose of factory-added vitamins, or just the funkiest sun-kissed fruit imitation available?
Surprise, the heaviest $1 item was a 1500 g bottle of still water…
I assume we’re talking about software testing? I’d like to know more about:
The meaning of negative and positive tests in this context
Good examples of badly done negative tests by LLMs