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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: February 7th, 2025


  • I hate war, I hate profiteering off human misery and I hate that the only way to deterr others from attacking you is to be ready for war yourself because humans still can’t get over the drive to dominate and exploit.

    But that despicable reality of the Security Dilemma means we need to spend money on defense. We cannot yet trust other humans enough that disarmament is viable. I consider myself a pacifist, but I am not so naive to think violence can be checked by words along. The feather may be stronger than the sword, but only if it lives long enough to write.

    I hate that so much production has to be wasted on means of destruction. I hope we never have to use them.

  • Wartime conscription is hardly the same as full authoritarianism, and taking measures to protect the state that gave him the mandate is far from treating its people like shit.

    There is a grim necessity for authoritarian measures to war. A commander will need to be able to make war decisions without having to wait for some assembly to approve them. A commander will need people to contribute to the war effort. There’s a reason authoritarian factions like military coups and staging wars: It’s far easier to justify such measures while you’re actively at war.

    But that implication doesn’t work the other way. Zelenskyy didn’t start this war. He isn’t persecuting an offensive war for his own ends. He is doing what he must to protect the territory, population and independence of his country. That involves forcing people to participate in the war for the good of all others.

    Is it pretty? No. But neither is running out of troops and having your country taken over by someone who is demonstrably authoritarian even outside of matters of war. I wouldn’t want to be conscripted either, but I accept the necessity.

  • With this single “conversation” they undermined every security deal they had anywhere in the world.

    I disagree. If it was a single conversation the world would be shocked but they could still cover it up. Politicians say dumb shit and walk it back all the time.

    It’s the fact that his first term was already such a blundering mess in terms of diplomacy, combined with the fact that he somehow got re-elected, the accelerating bullshit ever since and now finally this mess. If they hadn’t been chipping away at any international goodwill so thoroughly, the response would be closer to “I can’t believe a US president would say that” rather than “the US as a whole is no longer reliable”.

  • Their policy on arms exports reads like an ambiguously phrased expression of misguided pacifism. They argue for negotiation and diplomacy, which isn’t itself a bad idea, but it requires forcing Putin to the negotiation table in the first place.

    Given they also condemn Putin’s aggression, I don’t think they’re his friends, just naive when it comes to the reality of dealing with an autocratic imperialist whose legitimacy as ruler is founded in his appearance of strength.

  • luciferofastora@feddit.orgtoich_iel@feddit.orgich🇷🇺iel
    15 days ago

    Mangel an Gegenwehr läuft aufs gleiche raus.

    Das Bestreben nach Gesprächen und De-Eskalation ist gut, aber die Kriegsziele sind hier so komplett gegensätzlich, dass eine direkte diplomatische Lösung unwahrscheinlich ist. Die Ukrainer wollen ihr Land wieder, Putin wird aber wohl kaum das einfach hergeben und heimgehen. Als Gegenforderung kann ich mir noch eine Reprise von “Ja nicht in die NATO eintreten” vorstellen, aber den Mist werden sie nicht noch mal glauben.

    Entweder Putin wird zu einem Frieden gezwungen oder er wird kämpfen (lassen) bis er hat was er will. Die Leben die er opfert sind ihm egal, er riskiert sein Image als starker Führer wenn er nicht irgend einen Gewinn mitnimmt.

    Die erklärte Strategie der Linken ist, mit China und dem globalen Süden zusammen Druck aufzubauen. Wenn das überhaupt gelingen sollte, müsste die Ukraine lang genug durchhalten bis das Früchte tragen kann. Ich bezweifle, dass der globale Süden viel Interesse daran hat, ihre eigene Wirtschaft dafür aufs Spiel zu setzen, und China hat mehr Interesse an der Schwächung der “westlichen” Mächte als Angst vor russischer Expansion.

    Das zu verhandeln kostet Zeit, bis das Wirkung zeigt noch mal, und bis dahin braucht die Ukraine weiter Unterstützung. Da sehe ich in dem Wahlprogramm keine Formulierung für.