This tracks. Signal claims to have your phone number and logs on the last time that number accessed the service.
They could not generate new access codes via Twilio when certain patterns are detected and still be within that known data.
This tracks. Signal claims to have your phone number and logs on the last time that number accessed the service.
They could not generate new access codes via Twilio when certain patterns are detected and still be within that known data.
Well at least Nicole from Toronto in their inbox.
Went down the hole, part of it soon to become a Microsoft data center. Makes sense when you have access to a shit ton of fresh water.
I’ve seen a couple mentions of YouTube in this thread. Not sure if this is source inspiration of your meme, but in case…
The Roku TV YT app has been heavily enshitified in the last 6-8 months. Keep in mind, ads on this format (CTV) typically run $12-35 per 1,000 views.
They are bit rate throttling content and it most commonly occurs on content one year or older. YT has a dismissible call to action to upgrade to premium to remove this experience.
When you pause, the app shows a display ad sidebar to the paused video.
When the TV goes into initial sleep mode after a longer pause the YT app will lose the current video and land you back on the home page.
My experience is with using the YT app on Roku TV unauthenticated.
Honestly assuming the P hand is yours, great lines.