You don’t even need to make a guillotine. People made do with axes for hundreds of years. Or nooses.
You don’t even need to make a guillotine. People made do with axes for hundreds of years. Or nooses.
I gotta say, I respect what Lemmy does and hope it succeeds, and I think it’s a good place for discussions and such (and I will remain), but good god if this place isn’t unfunny as hell. I’m struggling real hard to find some place with actually funny content on here, which leads to me getting exceedingly riled up by politics.
I wish I was smart enough to invest in them before the rise.
Did you know John Deere tractors have a dedicated piracy scene? Because the tractors require authorized technicians to service them and doesn’t allow farmers to service them themselves, spoofed firmware has appeared and is fairly frequently used to bypass this.
My point is, if you can jailbreak a tractor you can jailbreak a car. Just a matter of time.
I think the best option would be to impose some hefty limitations on social media, maybe even banning it outright. Several studies have shown that social media is mainly bad for people’s mental health, as well as being the primary vector for spreading misinformation. The internet needs to go back to being decentralized.
I get it. By giving everyone a measles infection, their immune system will be trained on the pathogen, and learn how to fight it in the future so you don’t get infected again. That’s a brilliant idea, but maybe we can play it safe by giving them just a little bit of measles so they don’t have to deal with the associated risks?
The Americans sold their nation for the promise of cheap eggs and an ethnostate.
I’ve been boycotting US products for a while now. Funny thing is, I’ve been eating healthier as a result.
I legit got permabanned for implying that fascists deserve the fate of Mussolini.
I’ve pretty much given up hope for the American people ever growing a spine and standing up for themselves, but if there’s one thing I still believe can make things start happening it’s if gay marriage is outlawed.
Though I will prepare myself to be proven wrong. That hasn’t failed me before.
What does this mean, exactly? More resources to hire more lawyers or something?
How’s that boot taste?
Any question of why Trump does something that doesn’t seem to make sense has a very simple answer. He’s an idiot. And the answer to your following question is “Yes, he is.”
Unless there are communities I’ve missed, all the bigger communities post stuff one degree removed from advice animals. Maybe I need to look for the smaller communities