Conservative lawmakers and activists are pushing to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage. Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver declared, “It’s just a matter of when.”
Some legislators, like Oklahoma Senator David Bullard, are introducing bills to challenge the ruling, while Justices Thomas and Alito have signaled interest in reconsidering it.
Though most Americans support same-sex marriage, the court’s conservative shift is concerning.
The 2022 Respect for Marriage Act ensures federal recognition but does not prevent states from restricting same-sex marriage if Obergefell is overturned.
Meanwhile a ton of conservatives are closeted gays
One thing they’re going after is adoption and surrogacy.
According to project 2025. A child shall be raised by their biological mother and father.
Queer erasure won’t end with TQ. They’ll go after LGB too.
That hits divorce, IVF, and IUI for heteros as well
dude just look at the taliban and know that’s where we’re headed. except jesus flavored. divorce is irrelevant if all you have to do is accuse your wife of something and…“redeem your family’s honor”
and if the (forced into marriage) wife wants a divorce? “LOL shut your filthy whore mouth and get back in the kitchen”
except jesus flavored
There is no trace of Jesus Christ flavoring in whatever the fuck those “christians” are practicing. Even Satan is into punishing the wicked. These motherfuckers reward evil.
I’ve pretty much given up hope for the American people ever growing a spine and standing up for themselves, but if there’s one thing I still believe can make things start happening it’s if gay marriage is outlawed.
Though I will prepare myself to be proven wrong. That hasn’t failed me before.
It’ll go the same way it went for abortion. Red states will get worse while blue states stay more or less the same, which will prevent libs in the blue areas from mobilizing effectively to protect minorities in the red ones.
This, Roe V. Wade was the ultimate test, it was repealed and America went “Oh no… So anyway”
Edit: Which means they failed
christian terrorists strike again
The stun lock proceeds