The only Will Ferrell movie I’ll watch again is Anchorman. Because yeah, in most cases the humor in a Will Ferrell movie is just screaming inappropriate things.
I’ve got a similar problem with Ben Stiller. He is by far the worst part of Night in the Museum. We get a bunch of cool and funny stuff happening only to have it slam to a halt so we can have some “Excuse me, Mister sir, but you, shouldn’t um.” May god damn Ben Stiller to work in an obscure plumbing fittings retailer followed by retirement in obscurity.
Ben Stiller wrote, directed, and starred in it. He’s good when he’s not doing mid-tier family movies (although I remember him being great in Heavyweights). Similarly, Tropic Thunder is a brilliant movie that he wrote, directed, and starred in.
IMO he’s really good when he’s allowed creative control, which he wasn’t for any of the Night at the Museum movies.
The only Will Ferrell movie I’ll watch again is Anchorman. Because yeah, in most cases the humor in a Will Ferrell movie is just screaming inappropriate things.
I’ve got a similar problem with Ben Stiller. He is by far the worst part of Night in the Museum. We get a bunch of cool and funny stuff happening only to have it slam to a halt so we can have some “Excuse me, Mister sir, but you, shouldn’t um.” May god damn Ben Stiller to work in an obscure plumbing fittings retailer followed by retirement in obscurity.
Have you seen zoolander? I pretty much agree with you but zoolander is great. Didn’t even like anchorman
I haven’t seen Zoolander. Ben Stiller is also in that, right?
Ben Stiller wrote, directed, and starred in it. He’s good when he’s not doing mid-tier family movies (although I remember him being great in Heavyweights). Similarly, Tropic Thunder is a brilliant movie that he wrote, directed, and starred in.
IMO he’s really good when he’s allowed creative control, which he wasn’t for any of the Night at the Museum movies.
Correct, double whammy