I can’t explain, no, because I don’t understand the motivation behind it.
But someone (likely a bot) has been spamming messages, allegedly from the person depicted, as “the Fediverse chick.” I got my first one this morning. It arrived within sixty seconds of me making a post, so I have to guess it’s targeting more active users. If you’re a frequent commenter, you’ll probably get one eventually, too.
Can someone explain?
The first spammer of the fediverse.
You’ll find someone special for you one day 🙏
I can’t explain, no, because I don’t understand the motivation behind it.
But someone (likely a bot) has been spamming messages, allegedly from the person depicted, as “the Fediverse chick.” I got my first one this morning. It arrived within sixty seconds of me making a post, so I have to guess it’s targeting more active users. If you’re a frequent commenter, you’ll probably get one eventually, too.
I almost never comment so this is a test.
I’ll piggy back off your test
I comment loads, but I’m a girl. For science!
I’m more of a lurker so I guess I’m invisible lol
Not anymore!
Last week I got two in about an one hour time span I think, but they came from different accounts.
So you are the unfound one, I see