Red and Blue both mean “conservative” here in Canada.
Ive been calling it Mega Texas, but now i guess its Maga Texas
The thing is, Jesus would be mighty displeased with what’s going on in Jesusland right now.
It’s Trumpland now
Same thing. Trump is essentially the second coming.
I thought it was the first time for the Antichrist.
Actually, you can carve out Philly and throw away the rest of PA. The only sane part of PA is Philly.
Also, what did Colorado do?
I would not consider a city that has to grease their light poles for major sporting events to be sane. I love Philly, go birds, but y’all aren’t sane.
Compared to maggats, much more sane.
(Also, its the lead. Philly has so much lead in houses that the city government had to step in and mandate lead-testing by landlords)
Thems is fightin words - someone from Pittsburgh
As a Coloradan I am not a fan
United Canadian and American States.
California could be a Free State…
And a lot of that Land should be handed over to the natives. We could call them “Native American Nations”… Chummer.
I think Alberta would join Jesusland.
I thought that too until seeing their reaction to tariffs and annexation threats
As a person that has only lived in blue states, I feel like these maps suck. The only left thinking areas in my states are pretty much the populated cities, and the rest is like a Hitler youth camp.
I mean, it’s not like it’s any different in a lot of Canada, the polarization has gotten pretty unreal everywhere. Alaska has a lot more in common with the Yukon and Northwest Territories too than they do with southern red states.
And Alberta is famously conservative and god -fearing.
So is rural BC
Ohh yeah, I’ve also had that feeling. The Midwest is awfully like that, I’ll vouch for it.
It’s like that in red states too
Now it’s “Trumpland” because they’ve officially tossed Jesus out the window.
I still think “Dumbfuckistan” has a nice ring to it
jesus was never in the
car1 ton cummins-powered lifted ram dually with stack 1 ton? We’re talking closer to 3 tons. American vehicles are mostly ridiculously oversized.
1 ton refers to the cargo capacity in the bed, though that is more of an old naming convention as most of the 1 ton trucks can actually hold closer to 3 tons now.
Which is juuuuuust enough to haul 3 average sized Americans!
Religious folk loves them a golden calf
Now in orange!
To satisfy my own curiosity:
Country Population Population (rank) Area (sq m) Area (sq km) Area (rank) GDP (nominal, millions USD) GDP (rank) USC 194,357,245 7th 4,702,746 12,180,058 6th 17,193,047 2nd Jesusland 178,557,334 8th 2,949,098 7,638,130 8th 14,247,704 3rd Non-state territories like Puerto Rico and Guam are not included in either country’s numbers due to not being depicted in the image, save for Washington DC because that one is in the image
This makes me feel kind of bad for CO
As a Coloradan, I agree. Also, New Mexico and Virginia. Probably should also leave PA to Jesus Land.
Carve out Philly and throw out the rest of PA
Philadelphians did nothing wrong.
Go Birds! (not even a sports fan lol, just a cool slogan)
If you take the eastern and western blur parts of Pa and give jesusland the pennsultucky center we can call it even
Why? They voted that way in 2004 for Bush.
I thought Alaska was decidedly cool, no?
The state that brought us Sarah Palin and helped kick off the Trump-style candidacy?
Yeah, no. It’s been hard conservative for a long time.
Remember “the internet is a series of tubes” guy? Yeah, he was a Republican senator for Alaska and he said it in 2006. So Alaska has been full of political shit takes for at least twenty years.
Alaska conservatism is hella different from mainland conservatism. Alaskans are conservartive in the, “Leave me the fuck alone, don’t tell me what to do, don’t want your rules, regulations and laws. We’re doing just fine, fuck off.”
Which may sound like standard conservative sensibilities, but Alaska takes the idea of American independence to a whole 'nother level. When you live in the boondocks, you have to be self-reliant. When you live in Alaska, you will die if you’re not able to care for yourself.
Does that make any sense? Worn out from work and spewing thoughts. Anyway, I’ve seen and lived both sides, I get it.
Someone start a Libertarian party in Alaska so they can stop electing maggats
You just described the average libertarian, not Alaskan
i fucking hate being trapped in jesusland
Same. Don’t leave me here.
The sad thing is is that I live in Eastern Oregon and they are very very red too. To the point of them constantly jerking off to the fantasy of breaking off and joining Idaho
Eastern WA too. So many MAGAs here. I feel like a blue dot.
Tell them, you da hoe.
Oh my God those “Greater Idaho” people are insane.
Wait…there are people who WANT to be part of Idaho??? I mean, Oregon isn’t greeeeeat, but it’s kind of like asking “Would you rather have a chicken breast, or be brutally assaulted?”
Sure, the chicken breast isn’t anything to write home about, but the other option is a guy with a crowbar just ready to send you to the hospital.
The sad thing is Idaho is still more functional than damned near every other conservative stage, at least joining Idaho makes some sense unlike the Jefferson idiots in NorCal.
well, they got potatoes for brains soooo.
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