This is a good example of a poorly worded poll question, assuming that the respondents were actually asked “the United States is in a Constitutional crisis”. Different people can answer that question “yes” with wildly different mental states. For example:
- Someone who views Trump’s actions as unconstitutional and sees a need for congress/the courts to reign him in could say, “yes” as they see this as a Constitutional crisis.
- A full blown MAGA believer could see Congress’s and the Court’s attempts to stop Trump as unconstitutional and prompting a Constitutional crisis.
Without followup questions, all this poll question would tell us is that a bunch of people see “Constitutional crisis” as a fitting description for the current state of the US government.
Thank you!
For anyone who listened to anything coming out of the right wing media, they have been screaming constitutional crisis since the first of trump’s trials.
Because memes aren’t journalism:
Sample 1106 U.S. adult citizens Conducted February 3-6, 2025 MarginofError ±4.2%
I don’t know what your point is? The numbers from the meme are right in your source?
Memes aren’t journalism.
Ah, you just wanted to provide a source?
They believed their choice of media pipeline. Some knew exactly what they were voting for, but some were just scared into submission by cable or Facebook.
We need to embrace every single defector by assuming positive intentions, the same way psychologists help transition people after leaving a cult. We win by healing and unifying.
We want ‘change’ and Obama didnt scratch that itch, so people tried trump. Oh a lot changed. But not in a good way, so lets go with Joe. Nothing. Well we’re back wanting change so lets try trump again, oops rolled a 1 on a d20.
But he’ll lower the price of eggs and gas. And he’ll get rid of of all dem illegals dat tooked our jarbs we don’t want.
Der terk er jerbs