Kick your feet up and drop a shitpost off at !, meme in ! or chill with the cats of !
If you saw my comment about the pitch fork, here you go: ------E (deluxe upgrades are extra)
Welcome aboard!
ETA Context:
I saw a mention of Lemmy on a random thread in r/politics so I’m tentatively having a poke about, since I’ve already tried to quit Reddit once (for Tumblr - it didn’t stick). I remember forums pre centralised internet, is it something like that?
Yes, you can consider it like a web forum but with the default sort set to “new post” not “new comment” as is done on Reddit. This tends to favour new content over longer discussion, although you’ll get active threads like this quite often.
And thank you for choosing, I hope you enjoy your time with us and if you have any other questions then fire away.