Used FF forever
So you probably should remember the Mozilla FAQ entry that it’s “Firefox”, not “FireFox”; and that’s why they prefer “fx” because “FF” makes no sense. ;-p
Runterwählen ist kein Gegenargument.
[Verifying my cryptographic key: openpgp4fpr:941D456ED3A38A3B1DBEAB2BC8A2CCD4F1AE5C21]
Used FF forever
So you probably should remember the Mozilla FAQ entry that it’s “Firefox”, not “FireFox”; and that’s why they prefer “fx” because “FF” makes no sense. ;-p
Oh no, does this mean that Mozilla doesn’t give a damn about the privacy of their last twelve users? I.e. those who did not see that coming a decade ago?
Or make NetSurf good enough? It’s mature (and lacking developers), Ladybird is not.
Or just make NetSurf good enough?
NetSurf needs more developers, which is one of the reasons for the development pace, and I’m happy for every occasion to help them get more, so here’s today’s one.
(Mature software needs fewer updates than fresh software too, but that’s probably not the most critical aspect here.)