You can give her limited sudo rights; even limit her to install and upgrade operations.
You can give her limited sudo rights; even limit her to install and upgrade operations.
>What is C++? A miserable huge pile of "should"s
Also, as a non-american why would I care until Proton product is good?
Two things:
It could be that this is just a series of clumsy actions from the CEO (including using his birth year in his new Reddit nick, when that birth year is also a well-known nazi dogwhistle (88, code for the 8th letter in the alphabet, as in HH, as in “Heil H…”)), it could be him showing his true colors.
As an existing customer I’ve taken a sort of wait-and-see stance; I likely wouldn’t become a new customer right now.
Yeah, the way things work in Norway and I expect in most other European countries is that you don’t get a citizenship for just being born here, but if you’re born and raised here, then by the time you’re of school age you’d have lived here long enough to become a citizen, and unless your parents isolated you, you shouldn’t have any problems with language requirements.
Basically the system here is “stay here for long enough and make a bit of effort for integration and sure you can become a citizen”.
Of course, the far right loves to portray this as “unrestricted immigration” and make it harder for people to do that, or even live normally, get education and services for their kids, etc. And then complain when the result is people who feel that the system isn’t working for them, or who have trouble because they’re uneducated and poorly integrated anywhere.