This is why I like public schools, they really dont have a lot of choice when admitting students. Kids are little over-creative sociopathic people with some hints of empathy, that can and will cause trouble just because they are bored. Without a public school systems, where we are going, the private school systems will be way pickier and choosier with whom they allow in. Any record of disturbance will probably get a student banned and theyll have to go to another school out of state or further to get an education befitting them.
When and where I went to school it was basically self-policing. The bully and urge to conformity was so blatant and oppressive that anyone that didnt fit the mold outwardly were ostracized anyway. This is just codifying that behavior into law. Its gross and unnecessary to make laws based on lies and manipulation because every fear-inducing news headline is blasted via the loudest megaphone humanity has ever created.