Self-evident, but thank you. My question is about why.
English media, including the media on the website you’re reading right now, is arranged left to right. Adherence to this rule is what makes our language comprehensible. These grammatical rules are not impediments; they are the foundations of understanding.
Violating them is done with specific purpose in mind. Anagrams are a puzzle in which the order of letters is scrambled, and the player must correct it. In this case the violation of the rule is a game, valuable because it provides enjoyment to the player.
Although I appreciate your quick response, I am looking for a more thorough one. If this arbitrary and meaningless syntax violation has any redeeming qualities I’m not seeing them. But thanks again.
The text is in English. That’s why the text in the comic is written left to right. I understand that other languages read right to left, but those cases don’t apply here.