That’s literally just software stuff, not Linux’s fault lmao
And if it doesn’t affect Linux itself, it’s the developers fault
It’s not paranoia if it’s true
– Kenny
That’s literally just software stuff, not Linux’s fault lmao
And if it doesn’t affect Linux itself, it’s the developers fault
The FBI would NEVER use Lemmy and interact with leftists! 👮
Hello, fellow communist extremists 👮
Why is this downvoted, is it some controversial take or something??
Bait or stupidity, make your bet
I don’t even understand what group things this, I’m 99% sure they were ragebaiting. Still, true that.
Corpo speak for communist originally, but now just used for most left-leaning people. Sucks though because I used it endearingly and now it’s used for center-left people who are far from communist :(
Back in 2017(?) I got whale whaled for telling a racist to commit seppuku. Would’ve worded it differently but I don’t wholly regret it
Session has a note to self feature afaik
Edit: also SessionX has one too
I would add SimpleX, Session, Threema, and Signal. Telegram sucks, and while I love the stickers, it sucks. As the other person said, Stremio is torrenting, which puts your IP address on as billboard. Don’t do it without a VPN or running it through Tor or I2P. I would add every Proton/Tuta product as an alternative to one of the 3000 Google products, like Gmail and Drive. However, I will ALWAYS recommend ;3
h e ‘ s e v e r y w h e r e
Before I yap, I recommend ASAP to determine your threat modeling and how much convenience you want to sacrifice for your OpSec. Using Google and YouTube and other corporations is valid, and using only Tor & I2P connecting to privacy friendly services is valid too. Use email aliasing, addy & simplelogin are good but works also. It’s drastically better for your OpSec (operations security), and in case of a data breach, it’s also best to have that random email alias that forwards to your Proton. I also like Tutamail, no IMAP/SMTP because of the encryption but it’s really nice and the guys behind it are cool. Using ProtonVPN/RiseupVPN for speed is good, but Orbot and Tor is best for your OpSec. Also, don’t forget Odysee! If your favorite YouTubers are on Odysee, which mine are, use it! FreeTube is cool, too.
I HIGHLY recommend for getting into degoogling and improving your privacy and OpSec, and good luck! :3
american food
look inside
Same — I never used Reddit but I found out about Lemmy from a Content Creator I enjoy. Seemed cool, a few privacy policies later and I’m here. The more I read about Reddit the more I’m glad I never used it.
Agreed, as an Indo-Aryan person that always made me feel uneasy