Funny enough, the Pi Zero uses the CPU from the 3 and the Zero 2 uses the CPU from the 3+, so they’re both more powerful than a 2 anyway :)
Funny enough, the Pi Zero uses the CPU from the 3 and the Zero 2 uses the CPU from the 3+, so they’re both more powerful than a 2 anyway :)
Just be sure that the second server in the list is also a black hole. If you don’t, all black holed requests will fallback to the second DNS… which, if it doesn’t also black hole them, will wind up serving you ads and defeating the point!
Personally I find a single Pi is just fine for DNS. It only takes like 10 seconds to reboot. Less, if you use M.2 storage via a HAT or boot from USB! That’s pretty fine downtime. But if you’re afraid you’ll knock over the network and get yelled at by your family or housemates, best to use a backup :)
I use Jellyfin to host my music, and Finamp on my phone to browse and listen to it. Finamp supports downloads as well, so you can listen to your music offline and away from home. Pair that with a self-hosted VPN to access Jellyfin away from home and you’ve got most of your needs covered!
Aha, thank you. Shouldn’t have riffed from memory on that one, I suppose!
But very much agreed: the Zero series has plenty of beef for a DNS server. Maybe when the 3 comes out I’ll add one as a backup for my 4 server.