fite me! (in open discourse)
Top 5 brain-melting rebuttals to my takes:
- “too many big words”
- “(Un)paid state actor.” squints in tinfoil
- “AI-generated NPC dialogue”
- “psyops troll xD”
- “but muh china!”
harmonized from:
- low effort
- chatbot
If programming languages are made for humans, then explain Assembly. Or better yet, try debugging a segfault in C at 3 AM and tell me that was designed with human comfort in mind.
Sure, some languages pretend to be human-friendly (looking at you, Python), but then you hit regex or dependency hell, and suddenly it’s like deciphering alien hieroglyphs. Let’s not even start on Lisp—parentheses everywhere like it’s trying to smother you in syntax.
No, programming languages aren’t made for humans—they’re made for machines, and we’re just the poor fools trying to survive the translation layer.