If anyone here likes Japanese animation and hasn’t seen Satoshi Kon’s work, specifically Perfect Dark and Paprika, stop what you’re doing right now and fix that.
If anyone here likes Japanese animation and hasn’t seen Satoshi Kon’s work, specifically Perfect Dark and Paprika, stop what you’re doing right now and fix that.
Last night I watched Red Room (2023) which was excellent, one of the scariest movies I’ve seen in ages, and not a moment of gore.
Couple days ago I watched Todd Haynes’ Far From Home (2003) without knowing ahead of time that it was a remix of Douglas Sirk’s 50s melodramas, but it was a really pleasant surprise. It inspired me to watch Fassbinder’s Ali: Fear Eats The Soul which I unsurprisingly enjoyed a little less as I’ve never been quite able to connect with his more bleak takes on relationships.
House would be nice, but detached houses in my neighborhood are currently selling for 3-4 million, so I’ll stay in my nice affordable apartment.