I accepted it when I was a teenager. What’s difficult is getting people that grew up in loving families to comprehend that I’m not anti family, and would love to have a family I could talk to, but the one I was born into are unempathtic narracisstic Nazis.
‘Have you tried x? Have you tried y? I don’t think you’re trying z enough’
One close friend recently married into a similar family and it’s been super eye opening for them.
I remember when I was a teenager and starting to question religion I talked to my sister about it a little. She was certain that if we didn’t have Christianity that everyone would just be going around raping and killing each other. I was super confused at the time (cause I was a child) but a little later realized oh, she has no empathy or morals, no internal sense of right and wrong…and she doesn’t know that other people actually do. The convo was confusing because at the time I didn’t understand her at all when she asked things like ‘without hell what would stop you from killing people?’. A little later I started thinking about how many people thought this way and if it was possibly enough to f up a democracy. Anyway here we are