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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022

  • The fact that you think no one ever elaborates means you’re not actively engaged in the ongoing conversation. This has been a conversation within the the indigenous community for decades. There are indigenous academics all over the world writing about this stuff at high levels of discourse analyzing the problem through a plethora of critical lenses.

    The fact that you think it could be anything near ethnic cleansing shows that you’re not ready to have the conversation. You think you’re a victim and that you don’t deserve to have your life disrupted. The indigenous discourse has been so very clear on this topic that the only excuse for you still saying this is that you think you’re curious but you haven’t read a single indigenous scholar, listened to a single indigenous podcast, or asked an indigenous person about the topic. That’s not curiousity, it’s intellectual dishonesty.

    Decolonization means repairing the damage done by colonization through the dismantling of all structures that colonization relies upon. Ultimately that will mean redrawing borders entirely. Right right now what that means is fighting to have all treaties recognized and enforced. In the middle it means the transfer of sovereignty over portions of land from the colonial state to the indigenous people.

    There are plenty of non-indigenous non-tribal-member people living on reservations right now. Reservations are not ethnically “pure”, so why would anyone be talking about ethnic cleansing. When you worry about ethnic cleansing, you are projecting the crimes of your own people onto the victims of that crime and then saying the reason you’re going to continue oppressing them is because of you don’t they’ll commit the same crimes your people did.

  • This is still a financial assessment, not a real one. There aren’t enough people who know how to architect, build, design, deploy, and operate the kinds of factories America would need. It would take 30 years minimum to even get to place of approaching where China was 20 years ago. By 2055, China will be so far ahead it’s ludicrous.

    And that’s just the US trying to play catch up. China dominates academic research in high tech. The US would take at least 30 years to rebuild its university system to produce enough research and innovation that it could compete in the next century’s high tech arena.

    And the US’s public schooling system doesn’t have what it needs to produce workers for that economy. Another multi-decade project.

    And all of that doesn’t even touch the infrastructure problem. Transit just for employees is untenable for what would need to be done due to suburban sprawl and lack of public transit. But the rail, the roads, and the bridges aren’t in good enough repair to handle reindustrialization. And neither is the power grid, the water system, nor waste management. China is so far ahead on all of these aspects of infrastructure, it would take 30 years and about 4 New Deals worth of investment to just be able to compete with China of 2015.

    There’s no way. The US is well and fully cooked.