Of course it was. Niantic came out of Google with Ingress which was designed to collect data for Google!
Of course it was. Niantic came out of Google with Ingress which was designed to collect data for Google!
Even if they replant, that doesn’t undue the ecological harm. Look at what happened when palm oil started to show up in everything. They cut down all the natural habitat (rain forests with lots of old growth!) and planted tons of palm trees. It killed all the wildlife, but to an uninformed person, it still “looked” like nature. And the fact that they were replanted (so it wasn’t just stripped bare) was a facade that made it not seem bad.
I don’t understand how they expect this to work if they are not also investing in US companies.
Trump wants to dismantle the CHIPs act designed to bring back chip and other manufacturing to the US. Trump wants to reverse the block of US steel to a Japanese company.
I hate this nationalism, but I guess I’d at least expect those espousing it to have a plan to actually bring these industries back to the US so we could make things again. It is going to very difficult to survive when you destroy all your relationships you currently depend on and have zero plan to be self sufficient.
Pushing daises is fantastic
I grew up on twisted metals games. The show was better than it should have been!
It’s a show that gets funnier each time you watch as you get more and more of their references.
Arkona - the best folk metal Hulder - great black metal
I’ll be seeing Arkona again in < two weeks!
We used covid money to build a new private prison named after our governor!
As someone who lives in an ex-industrial city (Birmingham Alabama), I’ve always been worried about air pollution and tainted soil (there are superfund sites nearby). I feel like every thing would have to be above ground and covered. That seems like a lot of work. Should I be worried?
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If all they are interested in is maximum engagement, let them stay on Reddit!
I’m here for community and real conversations, not “karma”