Mmm i’m feeling like some Limp Bizkit personally
Mmm i’m feeling like some Limp Bizkit personally
Firsthand accounts of my friend in Canada who I speak to on discord on the daily
No bro, I talked to real people who actually live in Canada. This is a real thing get out of your bubble.
I have friends in Canada that tell me the hatred is so fucking strong there you have no fucking idea.
Real Debrid. It’s your friend if you know how to pirate, high death content streaming so low latency it’s amazing
If you have a iPhone or a Apple TV, I can blow your mind with the ease and access to high definition content for four dollars amonth, I’m not selling it, I’m not a reseller. I just like sharing ultra pirate methods.
lol. Poor brexiter
I know, right, the fucking balls of Google to fucking say this
Ditto. I’m using this instance right now and I have never seen any of them so why don’t you come on over here? It’s nicer.
Typical inaccurate American meme, fucking do better. Jesus fucking Christ.
Or Bobby Droptables
You’ve already shown your ass I don’t know why you think anybody’s going to take anything else you say seriously