Big Balls is going to get fucked!
Big Balls is going to get fucked!
These people with all the capital are fucking morons.
After my first 3 day ban for a shit Boeing starliner joke (that actually sort of became true), I deleted my top ranked posts on a 15 year old account and left. Still go back as unknown user for Google searches but that may also stop someday.
I’m going two years post reddit and I still type reddit mindlessly into the address bar.
Hello. There are thousands of us!
Worst thing to happen to tech is ads.
Capitalism is dying because of unchecked greed and people are turning to socialism. The wealthy choose fascism. Until we have class unity. Once we bring out the guillotines, They will retreat to spending the rest of their lives in the bunkers they have built with their stolen wealth.
I learned long ago in the early days of reddit arguing with people online is a waste of time.
This is why that fucking creep uses his son as a prop and headshot shield.