I’d wager this is all because of some innocent comment she made about her tattoos and the agent jumped on it. Just like a cop, the agent was probably being friendly to get her to talk and got her to admit she did some tattoo work the last time she was there. Remember everyone only answer direct and relevant questions, anything else they ask is just trying to find a reason to screw you over!
Once the German embassy is getting involved though, she should have been released immediately but it’s clear this administration likes the power trip too!
Even the garbage about not letting her go back to Mexico is crazy, I know they do that all the time without proof of residency. This agent definitely had it out for her!
Even a few years ago, maybe 2017, I was at JFK airport and lady somehow was getting off a plane from London and couldn’t find her passport, the agents got worked up but released her after some kind of back and forth where she had to appear with her passport in a couple of days (or something). Somehow the passport was in her luggage that had been checked in, IDK.
It’s sad that even the idea of a very high tax rate for even the top 0.1% is off the table. I really like the suggestion of capping net worth at $999 million and the government gets the rest.