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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • It doesn’t really generate activity. Basically any platform would prefer to have more comments to generate activity, which in some cases moves content across various algorithms, but also makes the platform look well active and involved. Having an active looking platform can make others want to sign up and join. I’m sure there’s potentially other reasons.

    That said, I think it’s fine to lurk and should be promoted more. Sometimes it’s better to spend time focusing on articulating your thoughts and writing your posts than it is just writing more posts overall, and sometimes there isn’t much to add to a topic.

  • This hurt me to watch and it hurts me to see people supporting Trump’s actions.

    Suppose for whatever reason that you do disagree with providing more aid. Was humiliating the leader of another nation in this manner justified at all? Were these the actions that any reasonable, dignified leader would make? You could have just refused to meet with him and told him no. Instead they dehumanized him, made him grovel and beg for support from their king full well knowing he was just going to say no anyways.

    I keep trying to look for some good in the people of this nation, to see that there’s still some humanity left, but I don’t think there is at this point.