Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Man it wasn’t even anything crazy. It’s just.

    All my android devices have a syncthing service that… Syncs. Things. Between them and my PC/Homeserver.

    Now, the only app for Syncthing I could find on the Apple App store was a paid app, but I was actually fine with that: It seems Apple stuff is made for rich people, and I had accepted that everything would be paid for.


    When you use Syncthing on Android it just. Drops things into folders. Like a normal program on a normal computer. And other applications can just access that.

    But nope, not here. Everything is in its own cage, and the user has exactly ZERO control over this (unlike, say, the likes of Flatpak on Linux, where it’s just a matter of granting permission manually)

    My comic book folder? I had to go through a cumbersome process to manually import all the cbr files into the comic reader app. Same for my video files.

    Plus like. Just the lack of options in general. It felt like I was in an airport – Stuck in an, admittedly nice, environment and only having access to whatever overpriced products existed inside that environment.

  • Brazil is a very large place with each state/region having its own type of food.

    So if I may make a suggestion of my hometown’s favourite snack (which I think originated in the state of São Paulo)

    We call it Prensadão – It’s a Brazilian take on a hot dog, and like everything Brazilian… It is very extra.

    The hardest part to get outside of Brazil is probably the bread. It uses a bread that is a bit like a hamburger bun in texture, but instead of being round, it’s a rectangle and it’s large.

    You start with hot-dog sausages. Cook them up, then slice them in half longitudinally (so you get two long half-sausages). Get like three or four of those and put them in the bread.

    Then you add Potato Straws, Cheddar Cheese, Little Tomato Cubes, bacon (fried until crispy), and optionally some chicken (grilled and then cut into tiny shreds)

    (Other optional additions: Calabrese sausages, sweet corn, ham, mozarella, cream cheese)

    You know you reached ideal Prensadão density when it looks like you CAN’T CLOSE YOUR DAMN SANDWICH.

    So now you put it in a hot pan, get a large piece of metal, and squish that bitch down using your body for leverage (our local restaurants have dedicated presses for doing this, but you can and I HAVE improvised with just. ANOTHER PAN.) – Flip. Press again to toast and squeeze on the other side.

    Serve with a sauce made of mayonnaise blended with garlic and chives for added flavour.

    Or if you want the meal traditionally associated with Brazil, you should try feijoada. Made with black beans, pork, and sausages. Served with some oranges to take the edge off.

  • Not really

    Windows 7 was pretty, it was customisable, it was stable. And microshaft had yet to start fucking about with ads everywhere and invasive “features”. Peak windows right there.

    XP was also pretty good for its time. At that point Linux and OSX had caught up and surpassed it in many ways, but it did what it had to without getting in the way.

    95 was an innovator if anything, ahead of pretty much anything else on desktop at the time, even if it DID fart and die whenever someone looked at it funny.

    It was always a proprietary creation by an anticompetitive tech megacorp, and therefore bad from THAT angle, but it didn’t start being truly shite from a pure user experience angle until like. 8.

  • Calling Linux’s version of DVR a “viable video editor” is rich given that a. It doesn’t work on most distros (it’s designed for Rocky Linux. It throws a fit on any other distro. You need to jerry-rig it), requiring a whole thang to get it to play nice; and that b. It doesn’t support any of the video formats and codecs people actually want to use, for seemingly no reason, since the Windows version supports those formats just fine.

    KDENLiVe is like, fine for a simple project, but you quickly start hitting your head on its limitations. Plus its UI sucks just in general.

    Video editing is the reason I keep a small Windows install, because sometimes I need to do video stuff for work and – Sorry. No. No Linux video editor even compares to the likes of Premiere and Vegas. They’re still barely above Windows Movie Maker.

    GIMP is a perfectly serviceable image editor, and yes, GIMP 3 is a major improvement – But it’s kinda missing a lot of things Photoshop users take for granted, and its UI and hotkeys are very idiosyncratic, which makes migrating very hard (… I sorta have the opposite problem though. I learned image editing on GIMP and all my muscle memory is GIMP oriented, so even when I’m on my ‘time to work’ windows install, I only really open PS if I desperately need one of its exclusive functions, cuz otherwise I’d have to relearn my whole workflow)