the number of crops that need to be harvested by hand is very very large…this all halts real soon. with no one to harvest them the crops will simply rot in the fields.
strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and other soft berries, peaches, tea leaves, grapes, apples, pears, tomatoes, leafy greens like lettuce, cabbage, kale, asparagus, chocolate, vanilla, Yacon, python snake bean, bitter melon, apios Americana tuber, ground cherries, acai berries, oxcallis tuber, crosne tubers, manari and tiger nuts and saffron…to name a few.
all these will stay in the fields and the cost of replacing them from another country will cause huge spikes in costs. and cause devastation to american agriculture
but destroying the FUTURE abilities of America is what this is about. not to simply destroy the country but to make sure it CAN NEVER again be a world leader.
to this end trump is committed to destroying the nations infrastructure and plundering it’s resources…so it can never heal from the damage he is doing.
we follow the trajectory of Nazi Germany
only THIS time, America will NOT be sweeping in to save the day. there IS no one to save the day this time.
so imprisonment and death for millions…and a world war. if we are very lucky , there might be an after…but then again…maybe not.