James has been a gift for fans.
James has been a gift for fans.
What will Jos do with his life after Max retires? Fuck this dude.
It’s been a problem for awhile. The media needs clicks so saying something is 7.5/10 doesn’t really drive engagement. Gamers have especially fed into this narrative because the media surrounding new products is always filled with hype and billed as the next greatest thing. It’s caused justified pushback from the community, but I think the pendulum has swung a bit in the other direction now. It’s tough feeling lukewarm about something when you’ve been told it’s supposed to be great. Additionally, the publishers, and some developers, in this industry are greedy cutthroats, which has made them easy targets for people’s frustration. The problem is now that frustration is focused on EVERYTHING involving the games industry.
Fair, but Mercedes also has a long history of success in motorsports.
No, but that’s why they have pushed into motorsports so hard. They currently sell some pretty impressive performance cars, but I’ll bet dollars to donuts that the Escalade is their top seller. They’re trying to upscale the brand by having it associated with Ferrari, Mercedes, Audi, Aston Martin, and McLaren.
A few years ago I wanted to take some classes at a community college, and one of their requirements is to take an assessment test to see where you’re at with everything. I told myself there’s no way I wanted to take any remedial math classes, so I used Khan Academy to refresh my skills, and I actually learned some new techniques. It’s great!
This is why online multiplayer is just dead to some people.
There’s quite a few jobs that aren’t union eligible, and trust me when I say I understand how they operate. The first trump admin made it easier to fire federal workers, and believe it or not, there are federal workers that do get fired for doing a bad job. I’m “making an educated guess” that some of those people facing disciplinary actions took the option to resign because I’m telling you what I’m personally seeing.
Im making an educated guess that there’s a decent amount of those 40k employees that were actually facing disciplinary actions or termination and are using it as a way to possibly avoid it.
This is one of the silliest things about video games. There is so much quality content available, but gamers love to complain about the only game they play. They could just play something else, but then they wouldn’t feel morally superior, or something? It’s very silly. I play GT7 frequently and some of the complaints from the community are just ridiculous.