12 hours agoWanna watch it with my 6 and 9 year olds soon. Is it that sad?! I skipped through it and it looked nice.
Wanna watch it with my 6 and 9 year olds soon. Is it that sad?! I skipped through it and it looked nice.
From 09.10.2025 on, you can send money from one account to any other in Europe in an instant and without additional costs. My bank and many other already offer this insta payment-upgrade. I hope we don’t need any other additional service by then.
Getting people to use anything but PayPal is already a challenge, as they are not used to working with their IBANs.
I’m just gonna call the police on him!
Are you telling me that Jeffrey Bezos is INTENTIONALLY attracting billions of customers with cheap stuff and then starts closing down his ecosystem? Why would he do that?!
Relevantes Lied (1997)