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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 27th, 2024


    1. I was moreso referring to my actual ‘being’ as unnatural, as I have a collection of disorders and oddities that make me unable to fit into society and just feel like a burden more than anything else. My wording isn’t the best here.
    2. I kind of wish that were the case, but it’s mostly the opposite. I’m still alive because I wish to help out my friends as much as I can before I go, but also I’m a coward and don’t really have the luxury of ending things early. I have debts to pay and sometimes I’m in the position where I can lend a helping hand, so that’s at least something. But no, I wish that I could go, but I cannot.

  • For me personally, absolutely not. I genuinely believe that the world would have been better off without my existence disrupting the natural order.
    But, as another comment has said, you go off of the hand you are dealt. If you believe that you have both the resources and the correct mentality to bring new children into the world and raise them, then absolutely do it. The fact that you’re thinking about it this much is already a great sign, as most parents I’ve known just don’t think or care and just randomly have babies, and then are constantly frustrated with the children afterwards. Just be really sure it’s what you want for the rest of your life.