I don’t get this. Y’all should talk to a psychologist. Its a goddamn mobile phone. If you don’t want to use a device’s primary function maybe you should use something else to browse porn.
And if talking to people makes you anxious and makes you feel violated or makes it feel like someone is disrespecting your private bubble…
You should go out more. Without that gd device in your pocket because clearly, obviously to everyone else but you that device is hampering you, limiting you even hurting you.
I don’t get this. Y’all should talk to a psychologist. Its a goddamn mobile phone. If you don’t want to use a device’s primary function maybe you should use something else to browse porn.
And if talking to people makes you anxious and makes you feel violated or makes it feel like someone is disrespecting your private bubble…
You should go out more. Without that gd device in your pocket because clearly, obviously to everyone else but you that device is hampering you, limiting you even hurting you.
This is crazy.