You’re right, private owners who care are better than private owners who don’t care.
Worker owned and controlled companies are preferable (not just ESOPs where decisions are still not made democratically) because democracy allows for error correction. Even the most benevolent king still has a limited amount of attention, information and decision making ability.
On this point it makes sense people are eager to explicitly identify slave owning as the primary driver for secession, because it’s the truth and there is still an active attempt to cover it up
The lost cause argument is something racist losers came up with after the war where they try to say it was more about states rights (and oh by the way slavery wasn’t so bad, many slaves like being slaves)
Some schools still teach this, I went to a “Northern” school and still had textbooks making this argument.
Your post seems to echo this by saying the South’s main thing was they wanted to be separate, even though that happened to include slavery, there were other reasons too. That’s not the case. When they seceded the south explicitly identified slavery as THE reason why they were doing it.
I’ve seen you say a few places in this thread that reducing caloric intake is related to eugenics. That’s a pretty strong claim to make without any evidence. Can you share any?
Also being at a worker coop doesn’t mean you have to sit in company meetings all day. For large organizations like Mondragon workers vote for representatives in an assembly, which then appoints a general manager.
Also also, an owner who cares is a single point of failure/leverage. If they fall on hard times personally or just want to retire, they can decide to sell the business out from under workers to a venture capital firm, or just to another business with a less benevolent owner.