What? Either, you are attracted to men, women, both, no one, or any gender presentation, more or less. It’s not a choice at all unless you are bi/pan. Pretty easy to make a choice since there isn’t much of one to make.
I will grant that I did choose hetero, well what I perceived as hetero at the time relationships due to stigma. Being pan I had that choice. But I also grew out of giving a damn what anyone thought and just dated whomever I felt like in my early twenties.
It’s not a choice of who to like, you like who you like for various reasons and just go for it, or limit your choices to be seen as normal and still pretty much just go for it minus the other parties you are interested in.
Almost 30 here I realized life the universe and everything was a chaotic mess held together by tacit agreement with the social contract in highschool. I expect most high schoolers who pay attention realize this. Middle school is where I’d say there might still be reverence for adults.