I see your point
I see your point
Absolutely! With great power comes great responsibility
I agree that this is worth focusing on. Your suggestions would help. Sadly that doesn’t remove the firearms already in the US. Meaning that criminals can obtain them.
It’s a fair point on ceasing manufacturing, I agree that would help with preventing incidents for future generations.
Yes, it’s a slow fix though
Yes, I agree publicised school shootings are generally in the US. Did any of the other countries go from firearms being lawful to unlawful over the last few decades? The US has a huge amount already there, and that’s a significant difference.
Is there another country that illegalised guns when there were already a massive amount in the country? I’m unaware of one but happy to be enlightened if there is.
Yep, given the reality of how many firearms there are already, and the resources it would take to remove them… I think we should focus on other things.
I’m referring to the personal remarks you made about me, they were inaccurate. Do you retract them?
Yep, they purchase them unlawfully because legislation isn’t a quick fix.
Please let me reassure you, thats inaccurate. I do voluntary work in DA, work in the supportive sector and have personally funded related uni courses (DA being linked to crime perpetration, incels, firearm misuse etc). I’ve done considerable research into academic articles on lone actor grievance fuelled violence. I do far more than the average person does, I just have a different perspective… partly due to the academic research I’ve read.
Yes hopefully it would. It’s a slow drawn out process though, and america isn’t an island. It’s not a fix
I don’t feel countries can be compared like that. School shootings are often carried out by juveniles who can’t lawfully get a gun. They’re committing mass murder showing they’re not law abiding. Realistically there’s so many guns in America that even making guns illegal wouldn’t prevent guns in the country.
Instead there’s other things that could help, such as training professionals to identify perpetrators and warning signs they’re going to attack. PSAs could be done so people can ID people around them.
Sad thing is that I don’t think gun restrictions would work cos criminals get their guns unlawfully
I just googled his meetings with putin are a big red flag to me
Haha I had to Google ris, congratulations on being it
Haha this is the best comment 😂
It’s sadly not as simple as that when there’s already a lot of guns in the country. Realistically that can’t be changed in the current system. What would help in the immediate future is PSAs, training for professionals, risk assessments etc that can identify perpetrators. It’s not massively expensive and can be implemented in the existing system.