Do you support Ukraine joining NATO?
Do you support Ukraine joining NATO?
Yes we supplied the weapons but we also have been funding their government. Ukraine functions because we and the Europeans pay for it.
It is not our place to fund their war and their country any longer. Americans need help and those hundreds of billions could be helping our people. If Ukraine wants to continue fighting then do it without US support.
Not really, that is what “being more competitive” actually means. Using leverage to secure the best deal possible.
Not an untrue statement. The EU was formed to make them more financially competitive and stop the endless internal warfare.
You will never avoid Coke. Just admit your impending failure.
There is no deal. No one knows what the deal is because the deal doesn’t exist. Wait until there is a deal, learn of the details, and judge the deal on its merits.
Cool, everybody can build these companies up so that they can launch their IPOs and be controlled by a new board of directors fresh from wall street. It will all be so different.
Every country has to wrestle with their own form of oligarchy. There is always a subgroup of power hungry individuals that want to be ruling the kingdom.
You would think this is an insult to the Trump administration but it is really a testament to the inefficient chaos that is the government bureaucracy. I worked for the fed government for approximately 15 years when hundreds of coworkers and myself received letters explaining the agency had no idea who we were. We would all have to repeat our background checks and resubmit fingerprints to the FBI. Some of the people had been there for 25+ years.
Our country hasn’t “made them too poor for citizenship elsewhere” as millions still walk hundreds to thousands of miles to get here. Still more opportunity in the USA than anywhere else. Sure we live under an oligarchy but honestly who doesn’t?
If you’re an American praising potential harm to America you should reexamine why you continue being a citizen here. If there are other countries more aligned with your personal morals and values please seek citizenship there.
Love that old Wolfenstein.
Just like Mexico cant stop the flow of drugs America wont be able to stop the flow of guns. Where there is demand people will find a way.
Please dont play fight with real weapons, guys. It never ends well.
It’s freedom of speech. Being able to say what you want and suffer the consequences of your decisions is what it is all about.
America’s border isn’t in Eastern Europe.