I got it earlier than normal, usually it is given at 50+, I think it is because of side effects and in my case it were the worst I ever had.
I had 2 doses, first one was largely non issue, except I went to Costco next day to do shopping and day after I felt like I had a long hike.
The second dose really scared me, but next day I had a vertigo that lasted few days. I couldn’t walk in a straight line, if I lied in a bed it felt like I was spinning. I thought I will end up disabled because of it, fortunately after 3 days it started to pass.
Never had any vaccine reaction this scary.
I have some theory about it; perhaps the vaccine amplifies signals from nerves or something i.e. in first dose I got tired more than I should (from just waking in store for one hour), with second dose, next day I actually went to some bounce castle thing with my kids and jumped there a bit and I think that triggered it.
So if you are getting the shingles vaccine best to just stay home and rest for few days.
I got it earlier than normal, usually it is given at 50+, I think it is because of side effects and in my case it were the worst I ever had.
I had 2 doses, first one was largely non issue, except I went to Costco next day to do shopping and day after I felt like I had a long hike.
The second dose really scared me, but next day I had a vertigo that lasted few days. I couldn’t walk in a straight line, if I lied in a bed it felt like I was spinning. I thought I will end up disabled because of it, fortunately after 3 days it started to pass.
Never had any vaccine reaction this scary.
I have some theory about it; perhaps the vaccine amplifies signals from nerves or something i.e. in first dose I got tired more than I should (from just waking in store for one hour), with second dose, next day I actually went to some bounce castle thing with my kids and jumped there a bit and I think that triggered it.
So if you are getting the shingles vaccine best to just stay home and rest for few days.