
Austria’s conservative ÖVP, center-left SPÖ, and liberal Neos have formed a coalition after five months of deadlock, blocking the far-right FPÖ from power despite its election victory.

Christian Stocker (ÖVP) will be chancellor, with Andreas Babler (SPÖ) as vice chancellor. The deal includes a seven-year budget plan, targeted tax relief, and social spending.

Migration policy balances security with integration, abandoning FPÖ’s hard-line stance.

The government reaffirms EU commitments, support for Ukraine, and neutrality on NATO while backing EU enlargement in the Western Balkans.

    16 hours ago

    Wow a crazy lack of actual Austrians in this thread by the looks of it.
    Let’s not be mistaken. The ÖVP/SPÖ/NEOs are a bunch of bastards.
    We wasted so much time to form this government and in the end they still won’t deliver.
    No protection of social security, no gains in climate protection. No fix to high rents (Building more flats in a country that already has one of the highest levels of land sealing is not a solution but actually will just pour oil into the fire) Just more of the ÖVP Bullshit we already have to endure for 36+ Years. We desperately need cutting reforms in many areas but sure as hell this government will not deliver it.