I see, you beleive in drowning your plants once in a fortnight, and abbsolutely forgetting for the rest of time. I have heard it helps the roots get deeper.
This is basically how I treat my lawn and it stays green year round for free unlike my neighbor who spends $400 a month watering his monoculture bullshit.
Basically the only help I give my lawn is letting it grow for a month after the last freeze so the shit that survived last year’s neglect can spread and put down roots.
I see, you beleive in drowning your plants once in a fortnight, and abbsolutely forgetting for the rest of time. I have heard it helps the roots get deeper.
This is basically how I treat my lawn and it stays green year round for free unlike my neighbor who spends $400 a month watering his monoculture bullshit.
Basically the only help I give my lawn is letting it grow for a month after the last freeze so the shit that survived last year’s neglect can spread and put down roots.