After a decade of partnership with Harvard, Yale’s CS50 course will no longer be offered starting in fall 2025 due to limited funding and an expanding computer science department.
Into the pockets of the 1%. Our entire country is designed for the 1% to fleece every thing we do for their own profit. Thats why our defense budget is out of control. That is why healthcare costs are out of control. That is why we spend the most per student on education with terrible results.
The same shit happens in Russia. The oligarchs steal money from everyone and everything. With Elon Musk on the throne, the US is now every bit as corrupt and broken as Russia is.
CS50 is produced by Harvard and is opencourseware (free) that isn’t going away.
What is changing is that Yale won’t be offering CS50 courses going forward, seemingly due to funding issues.
Yale is broke? Where does all that student loan money go then? Honest question
Into the pockets of the 1%. Our entire country is designed for the 1% to fleece every thing we do for their own profit. Thats why our defense budget is out of control. That is why healthcare costs are out of control. That is why we spend the most per student on education with terrible results.
The same shit happens in Russia. The oligarchs steal money from everyone and everything. With Elon Musk on the throne, the US is now every bit as corrupt and broken as Russia is.