Morris is a former spiritual adviser to President Donald Trump, and Gateway — one of the nation’s largest megachurches — has been particularly active in Dallas-area GOP politics.
In the south we have an idiom “Birds of a feather flock together”, which means people tend to associate with others of similar morals, ethics, beliefs. So, needless to say, I’m hardly surprised. Trump associate and pastor? There was almost no chance this filth was anything BUT a pedophile.
Nah! Its probably just one more coincidence, don’t you think?
I’ve seen a bunch of movies where the cop asks people the same question and they point to a guy, the same guy. Those shows are fun. Because of the coincidences. Am I right?
In the south we have an idiom “Birds of a feather flock together”, which means people tend to associate with others of similar morals, ethics, beliefs. So, needless to say, I’m hardly surprised. Trump associate and pastor? There was almost no chance this filth was anything BUT a pedophile.
In the north we have a saying “don’t leave your kids alone with a pastor”. It isn’t catchy, but it’s good advice nonetheless
Here in the east we have a saying “Epstein didn’t kill himself”.
Nah! Its probably just one more coincidence, don’t you think?
I’ve seen a bunch of movies where the cop asks people the same question and they point to a guy, the same guy. Those shows are fun. Because of the coincidences. Am I right?