Bit stupid we’re still calling video gaming having “no life” when it’s substantially more fulfilling than pretending to have a life you don’t for fake internet points from fake internet friends on fake internet communities. I’ve met plenty of interesting people and developed lasting relationships gaming. And it’s stimulating mentally depending on the genre. Meanwhile, I go out to social settings and see half the people sitting alone, posing with food and drinks and doing nothing but staring at their phones. Some life.
Bit stupid we’re still calling video gaming having “no life” when it’s substantially more fulfilling than pretending to have a life you don’t for fake internet points from fake internet friends on fake internet communities. I’ve met plenty of interesting people and developed lasting relationships gaming. And it’s stimulating mentally depending on the genre. Meanwhile, I go out to social settings and see half the people sitting alone, posing with food and drinks and doing nothing but staring at their phones. Some life.