What era in time do these people think R’s are trying to conserve to, after or before civil rights?
These are Cipolla’s five fundamental laws of stupidity:
1.Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
2.The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
3.A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses
4.Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places, and under any circumstances, to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
5.A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.
doing this will only push me and other people like me out!
I love being republican and would never be a democrat
A bit hard to take the threat seriously when you already admitted it would never happen.
What’s interesting is that Democratic and Republican voters look at these two parties and somehow, after the last 40 years of wealth transferring upward, manage not to notice the billionaires behind both of them.
No one cares about your unique social characteristics or what demographics you fall into. They care about finding that sweet spot where you will work yourself to death but not come up behind them on a NYC street and communicate your displeasure with a bullet.
You are an ant underneath their boot.
White gay man doesn’t believe he’s part of the LGBTQ+ community anymore because he sees people like him on TV… He’s just now realizing that his buddies would rather not see people like him on TV.
He does not seem to be realizing it. He makes it sound like a new trend of only a few people
“It doesn’t matter until it affects me” - republicans who thought “winning” would just hurt those they disagreed with.
Notice how the author justifies himself. He’s pro-life, 2nd, ect…
This screams “I’m one of the good ones”, and implies that he has internalized homophobia. Anyway, it’s some next level “pick me” shit.
“Dear Republicans. When I voted to have people’s rights stripped away and their lives ruined, I didn’t think it included me!”
Eat shit, asshole.
and should gulp it down with a warm jug of piss for good measure.
“[…] this will only push me and other people like me out.”
I mean… Yeah… That IS kind of their whole point!?
Talking to Republican acquaintances who have lost their jobs to musk, they all say similar ideas. “I’m team Republican, so I voted R. Couldn’t let the Ds win. They are the like our division rivals”. Its literally a game to them, and election day is their Superbowl.
“So why’re you so mad? Y’all won! Think of it this way: you now have all day, everyday to celebrate!”
Most hilarious example of this is Alex Jones, who now has everything he screamed for for 30+ years and now doesnt know what to do with his show. He is now forced to support every idea that he preached was reprehensible all that time.
I have listened to many hours of Knowledge Fight and you are correct. Wild to go back and listen from the first episodes like I’ve done recently
the greatest con ever played on the public was convincing tens of millions of Americans that their civil rights were a game to them. Normalizing an attitude of “we might loose, but they won’t win either”.
Us vs Them isn’t red vs blue, it’s the rich donors vs their productive workers. The vast majority of Republicans and Democrats are actually on the same “side.”
Developing class consciousness is one of the few ways out of this mess.
i agree wholeheartedly. there ain’t no warfare but class warfare. look at iraq, do you really think we would have gone in if they were just another dirt poor country? naw.
Education is really lacking. LGBT+ Republicans are some of the stupidest, most selfish, and downright deplorable people in conservative circles. They post these goofy ass posts like this as if they should be immune from the issues everyone else in our community is fighting to protect. “New” Conservative movement my ass that would defeat the point of conservatives.
Acting like these people aren’t trying to destroy the efforts of progressives from the last 50+ years because that is the “Great” in MAGA would be hilarious if it wasn’t pathetic. I get that these people are emotional and political masochists but they need to take it home.
Typical conservative reasoning: “I don’t mind banning abortion, because I personally will never be affected”
…until you are affected…
I feel little pity for anyone who has so little knowledge of history that they don’t know the Republican Party has run on anti-out groups since before I was born.
A gay republican; or, as they’re more commonly known as in the LGBT community, a “bitch-ass traitor”.
Just one man’s opinion, but I’d rather have the picture and discussion here than a link to reddit.
What an idiot…
Quite likely a troll account.
Edit: meaning the source of the screenshot, not who I was replying to.
Did the picture not show up for you here? I’m using old.lemmy.world so i can see it on my end
I don’t know why octopus posted that or how it has the most votes, because you didn’t post a reddit link. I am using the Voyager app and I can see the image.
I had to click through to reddit though. (And FWIW it did not link to old.reddit)
Not giving you a hard time though, just grumpy about reddit because reddit. :D
In any case it looks like you edited it and it loads fine now… 🙂
Absolute dumbass. Even now he cannot face reality.